Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you still have your real teeth?

If not, at what age did you get dentures and why?
I have had two teeth pulled, and a root canal on one of my front teeth. My grandmother started to lose her teeth when she was 16; she lived in the Virgin flouridated water and lack of proper oral hygiene led to brittle teeth. She got her dentures started when she was 23.It was one of the things that led me to my current profession...
yup but only being 21 i should! though that being said I have never had even a filling
stil got all 8 front uns.
I hit a telephone pole when I was 17, my face hit the steering wheel, and I've worn falsies ever since. Many, many years ago.
yes but need braces
yup. still got them real teeth. had to get several pulled because i'm getting braces on wednesday.
Yes I have 14 top and 14 bottom real teeth, thank God
Real - ones own- teeth are better than dental manufactured.
Yet, having stated that, my teeth consist of three large amalgam both bottom and 3 large on the top. Two small amalgam top front. One very tiny tooth coloured filling bottom front.
And two top front dental crowns. This was painful, involved root canal and cuttting the gum /bone/jaw. ( this was done ages ago, maybe dental practices are better now).
And at present (if any one has noted my posted questions) I have a missing amalgam filling and part of the tooth has broken off and this is not good, from my own experience and going by several
It is good that these days people are not only encouraged to take care of their teeth and how to (not vanity). That teeth are considered not only valuable for practical activity like eating and help with ones appearance. But maybe, most importantly in relation with health. In some instances good teeth in a persons mouth are more than likely to have better health.
Yet no matter what is left, it is not to late to take care of ones teeth. Hope this helps.

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