Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do invisalines work?would you recomend it?

i mite need braces i am getting invisalines
do they work
how long usally
whats the cost for invissilines
It all depends. Invisalign can cost as low as $4,000 but this is if there is only minor tooth movement and the only affected teeth are the upper and/or lower front teeth. For more serious cases like work needed for both the upper and lower arch, the cost is somewhere in the $6000 range.
its expensive, and it workss...its just an alternative to braces
when i had braces my ortho told me that they are like bear hunting with a fly swatter...but based on a lot of current opinions ive read i think they have gotten a lot better over time. get some input from people who have had them really recently.

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