Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do overnight teeth whiteners harm plastic retainers?

I'm starting to use one of those brush on over-night teeth whiteners (it comes in a little bottle like a nail polish bottle) that you just apply to your teeth and sleep with. however, i still wear a clear plastic retainer (NOT the wire one.. the one that looks like invisalign). i'm afriad that if i put on the retainer over my teeth with the whitening stuff on that it will eat away at my retainer? i'd like to think that what i'm putting on my teeth isn't like, toxic enough to eat away at a retainer but you never know. i don't want to ruin my retainer because its $500 to replace. So if anyone has experience with this or knows about it, please let me know.
Plastic retainers are usually made from the same kind of material as custom-fit overnight bleaching trays (acrylic plastic, though the bleaching tray ones are thinner-gauge and softer).The overnight teeth whiteners shouldn't harm the retainers.
Depends on what the retainer is made of. Use strawberries instead for whitening your teeth. Natural and cheap. From
Teeth Whiteners use acid to burn off enamel and the new enamel is whiter. Yes it will damage your retainer pretty badly. Teeth Whiteners are dangerous because when enamel is worn off your teeth will be more cold and warm prone. Its not a good idea to even use it. Any questions just im or email me. Hope this helped.

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