Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does it matter wat kind of tooth brush u use for your teeth?

Dentists recommond never using a hard brush, either soft or medium.
Yes, it matters.
The hard brushes are tough on your gums and the tooth enamel.
Should be soft bristles, not hard because that can damage your teeth and the gums can start receding
Yes... it depends on how healthy your gums are too...
somewhat - as mentioned, don't use hard...I don't even give my patients "medium" ; i give soft or extra soft. ther'es some evidence that an electric brush, espcially the Sonicare, will provide superior plaque removal to a manual.Anyone who isn't really old, really young, disabled or just ignorant SHOULD be able to get the same results w/ just a manual brush, BUT people usually aren't careful enough, so the electrics have an advantage there.
My dentist always gives me a soft toothbrush! Hard toothbrushes are rough on your teeth they can hurt the enamel on your teeth!
I used to brush real hard and had to replace tooth brush every month or so. It was my special way of getting my teeth real white. Now my gum has receded and the crowns on my teeths are worned out. As a result, my teeths are sensitive to hot and cold. Also, there is phantom cavity pain. My teeth hurt like as if I have a cavity. But my dentist tells me that I have no cavity. The pain is from the receded gum. Use soft brush and brush gently. Use a brush with bent neck to reach to back end. And floss...

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