Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does it really take a month or two to get braces on after ortho appt?

I'm looking into getting braces, I'm an adult, my mother who was a single parent couldn't afford them, so I"m gonna go ahead and have my teeth straightned, finally.. I'm noticing the answers to the question asked about how long do you have to wait to get braces after the intial appt. Why does it take so long?, why can't they be done with in a week or two? One or two months seems like such a long time.
If you're in America, yes, it really does take that long. My first appointment (initial consultation + xrays) was on May 1st and I still haven't gotten my braces on yet. I had to go get my teeth cleaned then spacers put in, bands fitted and impressions made, and I am now waiting for my expander and Herbst appliance to be sent in from Georgia. It would probably be just a month or so if you're only getting braces, though.
American, aren't you ?
I'm from a country where it takes about a week between the time you have your teeth checked and the time they put braces :-)
well i live in england..and here my braces r free and my appointment ws on june 12th and the ortho said im gettin braces on september 21st cuz i need my teeth taken out so it will give tem time to heal and stuff!!and plus they have lots of patients.
i call for a appt. for consultation in May 15. the early appt they had July 11. i asked is that earliest,. they told me. he going on vacation. what a good time to go on vacation just when the school get out of school. his hours i didn't like 9-4 . hes in the area where intermediate go 8:30-4:00. that the ages that that kids have braces. i finally found one. i did have to wait for 2 weeks for my consultation.

Does it matter wat kind of tooth brush u use for your teeth?

Dentists recommond never using a hard brush, either soft or medium.
Yes, it matters.
The hard brushes are tough on your gums and the tooth enamel.
Should be soft bristles, not hard because that can damage your teeth and the gums can start receding
Yes... it depends on how healthy your gums are too...
somewhat - as mentioned, don't use hard...I don't even give my patients "medium" ; i give soft or extra soft. ther'es some evidence that an electric brush, espcially the Sonicare, will provide superior plaque removal to a manual.Anyone who isn't really old, really young, disabled or just ignorant SHOULD be able to get the same results w/ just a manual brush, BUT people usually aren't careful enough, so the electrics have an advantage there.
My dentist always gives me a soft toothbrush! Hard toothbrushes are rough on your teeth they can hurt the enamel on your teeth!
I used to brush real hard and had to replace tooth brush every month or so. It was my special way of getting my teeth real white. Now my gum has receded and the crowns on my teeths are worned out. As a result, my teeths are sensitive to hot and cold. Also, there is phantom cavity pain. My teeth hurt like as if I have a cavity. But my dentist tells me that I have no cavity. The pain is from the receded gum. Use soft brush and brush gently. Use a brush with bent neck to reach to back end. And floss...


I went to the dentist yesterday and he said I needed to get my wisdom teeth taken out! So I am getting them out next week!! They are not even coming through my gums yet! I have to get all of them taken out. Does it hurt? What restrictions will I have?
Everyone is different. The anesthesia will kick you butt... that will be the bad part. Waking up you will be very cold %26 hard to get comforable. The taste will be aweful... you will probable throw up... don't be scared, this is normal, just be prepared for the car ride home w/ paper towels, a blanket, a trash bag and something to throw up in. After about 4 days you will be great again. You will sleep for 3 days! Go shopping for soft things to eat before hand... puddings, soups, jello's, and something you like to drink and chap stick, to keep you lips form getting yucky!
Have that fav blanket and pillows ready for when you get home!
You will do fine.. my daughter is a whiny baby, and this was our experience!
Good luck. and don't worry, just be prepared!
If your wisdom teeth have not grown through the gums yet then I would recommend being under sedation during the procedure. This will make it easier for you and the doctor as well. As far as pain, you will be fine during the procedure, but pain and swelling is the worst about 72 hours after the surgery. Post op pain is easily managed with medications. You will be fine.
Every person is different. Since you don't have them coming through yet, I'm guessing they have to cut them out.
They had to with mine and I was completely put under. My Dr. then gave me a prescription for a pain killer and anti-inflamatory combined. I had no swelling and was eating french fries the next day. I had to chew at the front of my mouth only, but I didn't have a lot of pain.You will have to be careful what you eat as food can get stuck back where they take your teeth out. I was stupid and ate rice about 3 days later and got a little piece stuck and had to dig it out.They will give you instructions on what not to eat and what to do to take care while it heals.Good luck!
You won't even feel them while your wisdom tooth is being pulled out. But, after the procedure, you will feel a little pain but they are tolerable.
ok, i would suggest making them put you asleep while this is happening. not that it hurts, it just feels VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, like someone is pulling(but not painfully)
on your teeth. i had to get a couple teeth pulled out, and let me tell you, they put me to sleep while they were doing it, and I WAS SO HAPPY that they did it too. and i hope i helped=]
Okay...your wisdom teeth are impacted. Mine were just like that, too. I'll tell you something, if I had the chance to do it all over again, I WOULD! You go into the doc's office and they sit you comfortably in a reclined chair. They will start you on an IV...ask them to numb your vein first. They give you a tiny shot in the vein in the hand. It really doesn't hurt...you'll feel a little pain there, but nothing that would even make someone flinch. A couple minutes pass...they start the IV...I didn't even know they had begun the IV on me. When the fluid starts going, you'll feel cold. Ask for a blanket. They will give you one and then they will lightly strap your arms to the armrests of the chair. Nothing to be worried about. Via IV, they will give you "white juice"...this will put you under general anesthesia. You won't even know when you pass out. It will be a dreamless sleep that you don't even really remember. You think you will have just closed your eyes and opened them again.
When you wake up, there will be gauze on the inside of your mouth to soak up the blood. You will have to change these frequently. Your jaw sides will ache a bit, but not sharp pains that will make you cry. The doc will give you antbiotics to prevent infection and some good painkillers. Your gums in the top and bottom jaw will have dissolveable stitches...you really won't even know that they are there. For a few days, you will be sleeping a LOT, taking your meds and going back to sleep, but no drinking through a straw (they can give you dry sockets. That's when the vacuumlike pressure causes the tooth sockets to open back up. Ouch.)! Slowly, you will begin to start eating normal foods...but much smaller bites and very carefully. Later on, if all the stitches haven't completely dissolved, the doc will simply cut the threads (which remind me of dental floss, only more like rubber/plastic...they are very soft)...and it is completely painless. If I had the choice to do this all over again, I would...I really would. I slept soooo well and the painkillers are great. Don't put off getting impacted teeth out. I did and they pushed all my teeth forward. They are slightly crooked now because of it. Getting my wisdoms out was a great experience. Don't be afraid!
yes, but only for a while. i had mine taken out and it was really sore, but mine were really bad, they shouldn't have been taken out. some people react differently to pain. just relax and it will be over and done with, if it hurts after, take some paracetamol or something.

Does it hurt when you get your braces put on and off ?

Also when they tighten them!!
No and No. After they were put on, they were sore for a couple days, but nothing unbearable.
It depends.
But usually all you feel is a little pressure when getting them off.
and when getting them tightened.
Not really, just when they tighten them, make sure you take tylenol befor you get them tightened!
it doesnt hurt at all to get them put on just afterwards it will be sore, and i don't have mine off yet but i've heard that it doesnt. You might feel pressure when you get them off though. You usually get them tightened every 2-3 months and thats not as bad as everyone makes it sound. it doesnt really hurt at all while they tighten them but a few hours later it does. It still isnt that bad just achy and you start to get used to it.
i'm getting my braces in a week. my ortho says it will hurt w/o anesthesia but fortunatly i'm getting anesthesia(but it will still hurt like a bad pinch)
Usually, braces only hurt when first put on and during tightenings. If you are getting braces soon, after you get them on, there may be some soreness for a few days. Remember this is totally normal.During tightenings (about once a month) your teeth will feel sore as well. Your orthodontist is tigthening the braces to your teeth, so you may feel a little bit of pain for a couple days post each tightening.Not to worry though, your braces experience will only last for about two years. Afterwards, you come out with a radiant smile!
when they put the barces on it is a bit painful when they attach the wire to certain teeth and the mouthwash cleaning/whitening stuff tastes minging and when he puts metal rings on the back teeth it scrapes yoor teeth a bit until they find the right size and for me tightening didnt hurt at alll but if it does point your feet and clench yoor fists and sing a song in your head or count the squares on the ceiling or bite if you bite hard enough they will stop hehe but it is different for everyone. I heavnt had my braces off yet :D

Does it hurt when they put the bands on and does it hurt after/later? Which hurts more?

I currently have 6 spacers on and I'm 13. I'm getting the bands put on during my next appointment which is on July 4th. Does it hurt when they;re putting it on and does it hurt after/later? Which hurts more? And on July 18th I'm getting my braces put on. Does the braces hurt? Does the braces hurt more or does the bands hurt more? IM SCARED! @#$%^%26* Please help!
Both of my sons got braces recently. The first one had pain every time they tightened his braces, but it usually only lasted one day each time. The other one has had very little pain, even when they added the bands.
You can't tell until it happens.
Good luck.
I don't know what the heck your talking about you need braces on before you get bands duh and second of all the band hurt when you get them on the second time you get your braces tightened.

Does it hurt when my braces get put on?

I just got spacers put in and it hurt a little bit. I am wondering if it hurts when you get braces put on. I'm exited to get them, but I don't know if it hurts alot.
***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!they do this the first time and every time u get them tightened:they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, pudding, jello, beans, yogurt, custard, fries, milkshakes, ice cream, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i just got em off 6 days ago-i luv my new smile!-Nati
Its not too bad getting them on. Taking them off sucks.
Like hell.
Depends, brackets or bands? Bands hurt brackets, not so much.
it does not hurt when the orthodontist is actually putting them on u...but it does the night after u get them
From what I gather, its a dull annoying pain. You would have to feel something, as your teeth are being shifted the entire time your wearing braces. I think its bothersome only initially and on your visits where you get them tightened. The pain can't be that bad though, so many kids get them at very young ages.
Braces hurt at first and for a little while after you get them re-tightened thereafter. Otherwise it's alright and you forget you're wearing them.
i have them right now and trust me, they don't hurt at all! i was a little scared cause people told me it hurts and i hate pain lol, but when they put them on, you don't feel a thing! good luck with your braces. =)
trish, try this link and good luckhttp://www.bracesinfo.com/teen3.html...PongSmart
*don't forget to vote me the best answer, ok
it can get sore so i wuld suggest taking some kind of painkiller before u go in
No way, spacers are a lot worse because they're literally pushing your teeth around. Braces are just metal brackets glued to your teeth and don't hurt at all. Now, they may be uncomfortable at first just because you're not used to them, but the process of getting them put on, no, does not hurt.
not at that moment but for a little bit after...
have lots of Tylenol befor you go
rember its worth it because nice teeth after!
good luck i had mine on for 19 months and dang it hurts a little at first eat lots and lots of soup
the 2 day is the worst!
i got braces on like 2 weeks ago.i love them but in the first week they hert.not alot though it was just had to eat stuff and it hert when i like touched my top teath with the bottom.they only her for like a week (take pain reliver) and i might go away a little sooner
it does when they put the bands on the brackets the just stick on ur teeth.. after u dont feel anything then when u get them tightened it hurts for a few minutes then it goes away after u get them off it feels weird and feels like u have something on ur teeth so ur always moving ur tongue around on them
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I can feel strange, n a little tight when the braces are on, also a bit bulky. I can also make your cheeks a little sore n get cut.
yeah...a little. it is an annoying pain that you get after you get them tightened. Tylenol or Advil helps a lot.
It hurts some, but it's reasonable, otherwise they .wouldn't
do it to every kid in america! It's like breaking in a new
pair of shoes, it's sort of uncomfortable, but not a sharp
pain. You take advil or tylenol and it's manageable.
good luck!
I got my braces in may. Take two advil before you go!! The first day it was a little sore. You just can't bite down at all. Eat soft stuff like apple sauce, ect. My teeth stopped hurting in three days. I only used the wax once on my back left band, but thats all. The sores will go away in about a week or two if you use the mouth was and the numbing paste for the pain.
I don't think it hurt at all, but my friends said they hurt a lot. I think it depends on how sensitive or crooked your teeth are? I'm not sure. When they're stretching your mouth open for 5 minutes, it's very uncomfortable, but when that's done it doesn't hurt. It does feel strange, though. Good luck (:
it definatly feels different but it only hurts depending on how bad your teeth are. like me, i had spaces in between my teeth so they hurt kinda a ton a little while after i got my braces on but my twin brother had like an over bite or something so i didnt really hurt him that much. just stalk the fridge wiht TONS of applesause and yogurt haha :) i miss my braces i loved them! haah dont ask me why

Does it hurt when i get spacers put in?? Does it hurt when you get braces on? How long after does it hurt?

8 days till braces. 4 days till spacers.
the spacers do not hurt at all
it hurts way more when u are an adult because as a kid ur teeth are growing so they can move aorund unlike adult teeth which are all firm so u are lucky***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
my spacers didnt hurt. they were just annoying...felt like i had food stuck in my teeth. getting braces on didnt hurt at all!! after having them on your teeth feel "pressured" like tight..haha it feels good acutally. although the next day your teeth will be sore from moving, they even might be loose a little.advil, works wonders!! that pain shouldnt really last more than a day or two, and it only hurts when you try to chew something
-doesn't hurt when they put it on.
-pressure at the very most but no pain
-after that day maybe hurts to bite for a while because ur teeth shifted, maybe for a couple weeks
-never had "spacers"
-dont forget to brush
Um when i got my spacers it didnt really hurt they where just always in the way... and my braces the first time... um they hurt a little and then you are pretty sore after my advice is to take some motrin before you go into to get them on... and eat like ice cream after it feels great... hope it helps...:]
I didnt use spacers but I did get my braces today...I've had them for 7 hours now Lol. Anyways,when they're putting your braces on %26 stuff..it doesnt hurt.Dont believe what the other users say about "it hurted a lot when they put them on"..etc.
But like a few hours later...you'll feel a small ache.Like for me,I got them on around 10:45 AM.It'll take about 1 hour.Then like 2 PM I ate lunch and when u bite,the ache will start.Then I brushed my teeth %26 it took me a while cuz I had to floss %26 stuff.The floss they give u is different than the one u should use regulary.The increase of the pain depends on how hard u brush...so be gentle...Right now it's 6:45 ish...it hurts a little bit more.But it's not like a "OMG!! I want 2 take them off!" type of pain...But dont worry.It'll all be worth it at the end.U'll see... : ]
i would say it doesn't hurt. I had braces for 3 years. it is a sore feeling. you will be a little sore when you get them put on and every month when you go to get the braces tightened. it last about a day or two take advil and you will be ok. just think the pay off will be that you have beautiful teeth in the end.

Does it hurt to kiss?

when you first get braces?! i heard it hurts when you kiss a guy after u get braces but after that it doesnt hurt after a week? im Just wondering if it hurts? or not
the braces itself hurt. especially during the first month, what more kiss somebody with a brace. but maybe you can be used to it. go ahead gal
u better not kiss with brace
if it dont hurt u
it might hurt ur partner
It depends where you are kissing!!

Does it hurt to get your teeth cleaned at the dentist?

I go every 6 months and I hate the dentist and I have to go in about an hour and a half and I'm scared. =(
yes it will hurt a little if you have built up plaque.so keep those teeth clean.good luckfrom the staff of http://www.boeafitness.com
nope not really..don't worry
No, it does not. The toothepast is a little nasty, but thats all =D
I really wouldn't be afraid of the dentist. I'm sorry you're scared, but they are there to help keep your teeth nice and healthy.
Trust me, my brother didn't go for like a year, and his mouth, not doin' so hot. Anyway, I'd say take a deep breath, and relax.
Hope I helped, good luck.
no way. especially if you have an awesome dental hygenist because they're the ones that do the actually cleaning.
not the brushing but when they scrape your teeth it onlyhurts if you havent been brushing properly so as long as you have been brushing properly it shouldnt hurt that much and i should know i go every three months
It depends on a couple of things. If you get a gentle dentist and you take good care of your teeth, you probably wont have any pain. But if you don't take care of your teeth they bleed easier and hurt more, no matter how gentle the dentist is. Also sometimes you get the really rough dentists and it feels lilke they are trying to scrape your gums off!... I hate the dentist too.
No..The cleaning is the best part..When you're done..just run your tongue over your teeth ..it feels sooo good!
The scalling murders!
It depends on how well you take care of your teeth. If you brush fairly well and often then that makes your mouth and gums more healthy and less likely to get irritated by cleaning. It also depends on how sensitive you are. If you are very sensitive, then chances are something will hurt a little bit. But in general it is not a very painful thing. As long as you relax and are going to a dentist who makes you comfortable then it will be a more pleasant experience.If you are with a dentist who makes you feel bad, doesn't care at all about your comfort/pain and talks down to you, then it is time for a new dentist.
no not at all :)
It's just kind of uncomfortable. But don't worry, it'll be over fast!
Depends on if you have sensitive teeth or if you have a bad denist it doesnt hurt to clean them just when you get cavitys filled.
No, it doesn't hurt, but it is annoying when they poke and prod with that metal hook. I hate that.
It only hurts if they don't know what they are doing and not paying attention. My dental hygienist once scraped my gums and the inside of my lip making them bleed, because she was talking to someone and not paying attention. The tooth scraper may hurt if you have weak enamel.
no it will not, don't be scared.
Definitely NO, it's just like your are bitten by a new born ant. No worries with pain if you have pain relieving stuff for your newly cleaned or extracted tooth found at http://www.oramd.com/.

Does it hurt to get your braces tightend?

Hi, I am getting my braces tightend for the first time tomorrow. Does it hurt and what do they do? Please answer respectfully. Thanks!( What colors should I get for summer??)
Hi, about getting braces tightened... I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt. It does hurt a little because well the wires are being tightened.
I've been through braces twice myself and my daughter is completing her treatment. We have found there are few things to do to help ease the discomfort.
1) take Tylenol, ibuprofen, aleve...which ever you like about an hour before the appointment. This will help.
2) some orthodontist allow you to chew sugar free gum. If so chew some after the appointment and this will help loosen your muscles in your jaw. You automatically tighten your muscles after check ups.
Remember that everyone has a different pain level tolerance. If you are one of the lucky ones and pain has to be VERY strong to feel discomfort then you may not have any problems.
Good luck either way. Oh and color.RED WHITE AND BLUE! Or Red and Blue...the white will stain.
It doesn't hurt while they are doing it..it hurts about 1/2-1 hour after and for about 2 days. After that it stops hurting. They are moving your teeth to make them look better. It's all worth it in the end..my teeth are beautiful now.
Yes, it can, but it usually only lasts a day, and if you take Ibuprofen about 20 minutes before the procedure, it helps a lot.Colors? Orange, red and just for fun, purple.
I used to have braces when I was 14-15 years old. Yeah, it hurt when they tightened mine, I even took a day off from school once because they felt so tight and it hurt really bad. But in the end it was totally worth it. I love having straight teeth!You could try using pink or orange for summer colors.
It does not hurt while they actually tighten them but your mouth will be sore afterwards. It hurts but it's not like unbearable pain. Try to eat soft foods that are easy to eat every time you get your braces tightened. Soup, Oatmeal, Grits, etc. Also, a painkiller like Ibuprofen or Tylenol may help a little. The pain usually only lasts one day or so.
it does'nt hurt when they are tightend it. it hurts after hour.
The feelings of getting your braces tightened vary for different people, however I found it VERY uncomfortable!! Most likely, you'll want to eat softer foods when you get it done because chewing will be irritating to your gums. Now as far as colors go, I like to choose the ones that are the most bright and vibrant, or I ask for whatever color I wear most often. So when tomorrow comes, keep your head held high when you walk into that orthodontists office and keep in mind that the pain won't last for the whole week! best wishes 2 u
Yeah sure it does. You dont feel much pain when they tighten up but after that the pain goes on increasing that u cant chew anything for the next day. Its always better to use some painkillers as prescribed by the dentist.
i have had ALOT of my friends complain about tightening their braces, but when i finally got mine tightened, i didnt even notice. i had absolutely no soreness whatsoever. Now spacers are a different story...
I had braces for seven years, remember when you got your braces on they fet a little tight, it is the same thing when they tighten them, the first time you get them tightened is the worst, because you are really still not used to it.i always got pink and baby blue...my fav colours and besides you can keep switching them, try whatever colours you like...good luck and if they hurt eat cold stuff it tends to help!
it doesnt hurt but your mouth will be soreitll be something like when you got them on for the first time
Hi, it really doesn't hurt when they are doing the procedure, but afterwords you will be in a lot of pain. Before you go take a pain killer that will suit you. I personally take Tylenol. Here are some steps.
1.) Take a pain killer before the procedure.
2.) It won't hurt during the procedure trust me!
3.) All they do is put in a shorter and thicker wire they will pull a little you will feel it but it doesn't hurt that much.
4.) Pick your colors! I would do red orange and yellow for summer!I hope it works out honey bye!

Does it hurt to get braces?

I'm getting them on Monday. They're only going on my top teeth.
I got mine on Thursday, and it didn't hurt a bit. When my orthodontist was done, I asked him "Did you start yet" and he told me that he was done, that's how painless it was. When people tell you that it hurts when they are tightening the wires, that not true. It didn't hurt at all! Anyways, when your getting them, just relax and don't take any painkillers, it just does harm to your body. After getting the braces, try not to bite anything with your front teeth.
It is hard the first week to deal with them. Then whenever they tight end.
Every time you go to the Ortho, he will tighten them, pressure and pain for about a week, then it goes away
it hurts to get the ring in but the rest if you have a good dentist your fine. it sort of hurts to egt them of though
it dont hurt to get them but the next few days youll be bitting your lip and eating really sort foods but after a week it wont hurt much more expect when you go back every 4-6 weeks for a tighting.I spent 3 years in them best thing i ever did
yes, and every time they adjust them.
Not really I advise you to take some pain pills before you get there also eat as much as you can because once they are on for about a week or two it will hurt to chew.
It only hurts when you chew, even brownies. Stock up on applesauce, milkshakes, and yogurt.
I have braces and i didnt think that they hurt to get put on, i personally thought that the spacers were the worst part, just take some advil and youll be fine i promise! and just keep thinking how beautiful your teeth are going to be when your done but listen seriously dont eat anything your not supposed to because brackets break really easily!
It hurts at first for about a week. And then every time you get them tightend it hurts a bit I had them put on 2 years ago. Now I just have retainers. I think the pain is TOTALLY worth the results!! Just take Tylonal %26 you'll be fine!
I've had braces a few weeks now. I only got my top ones for now too. I hate it cuz I really wanted to get my bottom ones on to. It feels weird at first, but its not painful. It really hurt afterwards for me though. I didnt eat normally for about a week. You'll get used to it though.

Does it hurt to get braces on?

right when you get them on they dont hurt, but it feels sooooooo weird...it feels like you have a mouth guard in..basically the only time when they hurt is when they change the wire to make your teeth move around. OR when you get cuts in your mouth.i would recommend that you take advil or asprin BEFORE you go to the orthodontist and after it too...to help the cuts in your mouth you should first brush your teeth alot. i dont know why this helps, but it does...they also have wax made to put on your braces on the bracket that is poking in your mouth. THIS WORKS SOOOO WELL!! make sure to get extra. also..rinse your mouth with warm salt water. it will taste nasty but it works!!!good luck =]
NO not really!! all it is is glue on your teeth and they stick medal things(brackets) on top!! the only part that KINDA hurts is when they put the medal rings around your molars!! And i suggest that RIGHT after you get the braces on eat your favorite food b/c in 20 minutes or so your teeth will be sooo sore!! and they will continue to be sore for about 4 to 5 days!! HOPE THIS HELPSSS!!
it will hurt for a day or 2, and you will have to eat stuff like soup, but its totally worth getting them, if u really need em! when i had braces, they hurt when i got em on and then they have to tighten them and when that happens, it will hurt for a day or so, not that much.
not at all as long as you take care of your teeth and brush every day. the first week, it will feel uncomfortable but not painful it will be very hard to bit, so chew with your back teeth as much as possible and never bite into things. cut up your food in small peices. you shouldn't have any problems with pain, but if they do arise, as did happen to me a few time, its best to take care of things as soon as possible to that you don't mess up your teeth. some times, somthing would get bent out of shape and poke me and that would hurt.
just like for the 1st week..sumtimes less time then that. and then when u do the rubber bands..ouchie it hurts. but other than that they dont.
It probably won't hurt when you get it on for the first day, but on the second day, it will hurt and possibly for the following days too.
Nope, the process of putting them on is completely painless. The only thing I'ver heard is you may get a bit of a sore mouth because your mouth is stretched for a while.
yes but only when the dentist adjust the braces, really not alot of pain, but some discomfort to your gums...
don't ask me i am wondering the same thing and i have to get them also.
i am also going to have to get them 鈾?i guess good luck to the both of us.
There is some discomfort throughout the process.

Does it hurt to get a wisdom tooth pulled?

When I had an impacted wisdom tooth, I was given something to knock me out, so I didn't feel a thing.Two years later, I had one pulled in the dentist's office. I didn't feel pain, but there was a lot of pressure, and I didn't enjoy the process.If you can be put under, do it!
I'll let you know after the 16th. I'm getting all four pulled in the dentist chair with just numbing.
Less than I always heard it did. But a root canal was much easier than I'd heard too. I think much of the suffering dental procedures cause is psychological rather than physical.
No. I had mine done under general anesthetic.No problems at all.
It all depends on the person and their gums and strings holding the wisdom teeth in.
Some people say it hurt and some say it was painless...it depends on the person.
I just had mine done on Monday,,I had the uppers pulled out, they were exposed and then the bottom two were impacted and then I had a molar pulled.. I was under gen anes and didnt feel a thing.. had a great surgery and had a pretty good two days after surg,,, no real swelling but, yesterday and today... it hurts.. I have pain pills but they dont last very long.. whats wierd is that my chin is throbbing and not really the back of my mouth where all the work was done. But from what I have heard, I have had it better than most,, plus I am 36 so ,,,

Does it hurt to get a cap put on and how or what do they to put it on and how long does it take?

It takes about an hour. The most pain you will experience is probably the actual injections that deaden the nerves and allow the work to be done without pain. The old tooth is ground away. A new cap is made and must be fitted to your "bite" so it will prolly be put on taken off out on taken off many times. But be patient... you DO WANT it to fit as well as it can. Then an adhesive is placed inside the cap, it is pressed on your receptor tooth, and when cured is a pretty permanent thing.
To put the cap or "crown" on does not take long at all. The long appointment is the actual prep of the tooth for the cap in the first appointment. In our office, my dentist does not even get you numb to put the cap on usually. Dental offices use a dental "glue" to adhere the crown to your tooth. The appointment time can be anywhere from 30-45 minutes to put the crown on, depending if there are any adjustments to the crown prior to "cementing" it in.

Does it hurt to have fixed braces (train tracks) removed?

I have had my braces on for 2 years now. i am having them off in 2 months. Is it gunna hurt?
hehehe, enjoy. I had mine removed in january.well, first they are gonna remove the train track wires. (im sure theyve replaced it a few times so u know it wont hurt).they take something that looked like a pair of pliers and they take the back teeth off first. it wont hurt like teeth in ice water, but just some pressure pain. not bad.then they remove the front blocks, by twisting and turning so the glue will chip off. this hurts more. well it's not that bad lol.then here comes the fun part. now all the metal pieces are gone they take a pen looking grinder that grinds and polishes the glue bits off. this hurt less but it's REALLY long and your teeth will go a little numb after the vibrations. and it sounds like these construction places with the grinders ;-Oafterwards they stick a piece of wire behind your bottom front teeth for some random reasons and it will stay there forever. so brush that place thoroughly before the appointment.lick your teeth and you'll feel it's nice and smooth! now you have to wear retainers which is a mould of your top jaw for 24 hours for 2 months, then at night for another +- 6 months. but eventually u'll get lazy like me, i dont wear that thing often.just watch out for bleeding gums. u need to floss and rinse and get ur teeth checked regularly :)
Nope. It will be the best day of your life! The process is long and you are having different people pull and tug and undo and wipe off your teeth and braces but no, it is not going to hurt. Maybe uncomfortable but only because you are tired of keeping your mouth open. Trust me, they only remove the braces and scrape the glue off your teeth and the outside of your teeth you can't even feel. Be excited not worried.
when i got mine off i couldnt feel it at all. not to worry. but when you do your teeth might feel huge! its weird. but the best thing ever! ( i had my braces for 6 years )

Does it hurt if you play clarinet and have braces.?

i also have an open bite. will this mess up my teeth more or is ok cause i really dont wanna have to quit playing.
Playing the clarinet will absolutely not mess up your teeth more, as long as you keep your braces on as long as the orthodontist recommends and you wear your retainers. The only thing that could cause irritation is on the inside of your cheeks and lips from having a tight seal on the mouth piece. To avoid that, ask your orthodontist for some dental wax. He or she will show you how to use it. It just kind of puts a barrier between the brackets and your skin.
i dont think it will someone i knew played the clarinet and had braces and i play the clarinet i have a blue one how kool?
i have braces.. but i don't play the clarinet. i wouldn't think it would hurt or mess them up at all.
It will hurt right after your braces go on or after an adjustment, but that's just because your whole mouth will be a bit tender. Other than that no, I played with braces and it was fine. My playing and teeth weren't harmed at all.
OMG i ahve the same problem!
i have palyed the clarinet for like my whole life!
i play every dayy and u ahve braces and a severe overbite!
be forewarned, you will ahve scars on the inside of your mouth!
and my orthodontist said my overbite with never be completly bette runless i stop playing!
however, it canb e almost perfect, and wearin the retainer after you ge tthem off will help!good luck and keep playinggg =D
My best friend had this same problem. I don't play clarinet or have braces, but when my friend got her braces she was really worried. She has an open bite too. Don't worry, she says it does not hurt, but the reed feels a bit different on your mouth and you might need to get used to the feeling.
my best friend and i play clarinet. she has braces. yes it hurts but only if you play to long .the braces may break your reeds so keep a pack handy. but don't worry to much clarinet is fun.have fun with it.it won't mess up your taath either
No it doesn't hurt to play clarinet with braces because your lips get used to the braces and the pressure from the clarinet. The only time it hurts is right after you get your braces tightened and that only lasts for a few hours. Playing clarinet won't mess up your teeth more because the braces are keeping your teeth where they should be.

Does it hurt getting your teeth pulled out?

hey i have to get 4 teeth pulled out for braces tommorow and im scared to death!can some one tell me what happens the moment you walk into the dentist offfice
do i have anything to worry about?
well i know how you feel i always get nervous to go to the dentist for anything. but just try to calm down you will be ok. when you get there they will probly numb you with a gel and then give you some shots of numbing stuff i don't know how to spell it. or they might put you on laughing gas. it's not that bad so don't worry. i had 4-6 teeth pulled for my braces too and it wasn't bad. you will be ok just listen to any instructions the dentist gives you. good luck
No, they will make your mouth numb.
they numb ur mouth! depends on the size of ur roots in ut teeth...but i wuldnt worry about it at all !
it's not that bad because they have a medicine to numb the pain.It was just scary for few seconds though.
They put medicine in your mouth so you don't feel pain at the time. You will be a little sore after but they will give you some pain medicine to help. There is nothing to worry about, you don't feel a thing.
relax. They will give you a local anesthesia, so it will not hurt. I had my 4 wisdom teeth yanked at once, I got lucky, I didn't hurt, but they might give you something to cut the pain. Keep on the ibuprophin to knock down swelling after the extraction. Good Luck!
there's nothing to worry about. they totally numb it. you can't feel nothing. you'll be a bit goofy afterwards but that's always fun.
Its not that bad, really.The most pain full thing for me was the shot of Novocaine. It was fine after that =]
It doesn't hurt when they go to pull them, afterwards though you may be a little sore. Just keep your tongue away from them and in a few days you should be doing pretty good...Good Luck...
I got three pulled out, but I was asleep so I don't know, my mom has had some pulled and she didn't mind it. What hurts the most are those damn shots, that feel like a "mosquito bite" those lying dentists! Have fun. ;)
No, they make it numb so you can`t really feel it too much.
Yes, it will hurt and u wont be able to eat for 24 hours, your mouth will be swollen and u wont be able to talk. Oh and it will be very, very, very numb.
dont worry hun they will explain everything to you. it doesnt hurt becouse they give you a shot and numb the area...they will give you a prescription of pain pills for afterward.dont worry you will be alright and have a perfect smile for being brave.
Oh my God! I'm so sad for you! The blood, you just won't believe the blood!Does it hurt? They're anchored in pretty tight, aren't they? Having them ripped out feels about like you would imagine, except it's worse.And the blood!
When my wisdom teeth were pulled out, it hurt. But it wasn't as bad as I though it would be. You feel more pressure than pain
I had some of my diease tooth pulled out for a root canal and it didn't hurt but it depends on will your tolerance for pain is.
well usually the dentist will make your mouth numb by givin u a shot in your lip. trust me it doesnt hust. sometimes they put a mask over your nose that helps you relax and let them do their job
u will be ok
I got about 3 teeth pulled out, If they like put a shot in your mouth you won't feel a thing. If they take it out without a shot it might just tickle. But for the most part they have to put a shot in your mouth that makes you feel numb so you won't feel a thing!! Good Luck!!
If the dentist is experienced and gentle then it shouldn't hurt. with the right amount of the anesthetic shot and a gentle dentist hand you'll be fine.
naw i only pulled teeth out wen i was a kid so i dont really remember my sister got a tooth pulled out once but the only reason it hurt was cuz they didnt numb her enough so yea but nothing to worry about depends on the root depth too
i am very squirmy when it comes to that kind of stuff, and i had it done in kindergarten!what they do is they numb you first (whether you get novacane or laughing gas- i got the gas) and then start the operation. you have nothing to worry about, as long as they numb you, you cant feel ANYTHING. and as a plus, all you can eat (pretty much) is ice cream! :o)
it doesnt hurt while they are doing it but it honestly hurts after. the only thats actually scares you in the chair is... noise. u dont feel anything but you hear crackin and squeakin of them pulling them out. but dont worry it will be finexx good luck xx
yes. i can't lie about that, seriously. I mean; you're taking out something that is attached to the meat on your mouth. they say the shots are so you can't feel when they pull the teeth out, but from experience it doesn't work lol. just get it over with it... once its over you'll be glad that you got it done :D the perfect smile pays off later
No way!First you bite down on this plastic guitar pick looking thing and they take an X-ray. Then they put this vest thing on you and you just sit there with your mouth open while they do more X-ray business.Then they numb you.Then they just pull them right out and you don't feel a thing.Trust me, and every one else who tells you that it doesn't hurt, IT DOESN'T HURT, and there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
I'm only 11 and I can handle it, so I think you can, too.
no it tickles.j/k. it is actually agonizing pain.it makes you want to kill yourself.imagine smashing your kneecaps with a sledge hammer while having a pineapple stuck somewhere and and setting your hair on fire at the same time.does that ease your mind?
If they numb you there will probably be no pain during the procedure. You will probably get pain medicine for afterwards and pain medicine usualy works good. What goes on in the dentist's office is usually you check in with a receptionist and wait, then get brought back by a hygienist who may do some prep work. The dentist will probably do some sort of numbing and that can hurt briefly, when the numbing stuff kicks in, you should feel nothing. Hopefully our teeth will come right out, if not the dentist may need to use multiple tools, you shouldn't feel any of them though. Good luck.
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled about 6 months ago. I was really nervous, but it was not bad at all! I was put under a general anesthetic and was a bit loopy for a couple hours :) The healing process is the worst part - make sure u don't smoke or drink through a straw and you should be fine! I had to eat soft foods for about a week. Good luck!! I'm sure u will do great!
I worked at target and had a freak accident..lol, I'm clumsy, but I broke my jaw and had to get surgery.My coworkers said that they found me lying on the floor unconscious, I just remember trying to unjamb a clothes rack.Anyways, I had much surgery and dental work, but again, freak of nature that I am, I had to go to the dentist that numbed the wrong nerve and even now my entire right side of my head is numb...Tell your dentist that each case is unique and different so treat each patient like they are the first one ever. Caution, attention, and patience, be sure to tell your dentist about how you could be numbed for life on one side of your face.
When I got my teeth pulled, I sat down and the dentist numbed my mouth with the cotton swab and gave me the laughing gas. A little later, I felt what seemed like something metal tapping my tooth for just a second (the shot) and I asked when they were going to give me the shot and they said they already had. Then, they pulled my teeth and I felt a tiny tiny pull. It didn't hurt at all.

Does it hurt getting braces?

Please tell me the truth!
***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they staink
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!they do this the first time and every time u get them tightened:they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, pudding, jello, beans, yogurt, custard, fries, milkshakes, ice cream, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i just got em off 7 days ago-i luv my new smile!-Nati
Unfortuantely, yes it does. And it hurts each time they tighten them. But, it doesn't hurt to get them off. It takes forever to get them put on, and they come off really easy. Just remeber, do what the orthodontist tells you to do, and they'll be off that much quicker.
yes but it's worth it, my teeth are now beautiful :D
Initially, it hurts, but you get used to it
Getting them put on - no. It's just awkward.Getting used to them is something that can be painful. For the first few weeks your teeth will be sensitive. It may take a few days to chew very solid foods. It's also the same way when they get tightened. It's more annoying than unbearable.
i just got braces yesterday. Last week they put metal spacers in between my back molars to make room for the braces band. and that hurt the most. But it gave me a week to get used to the awkward feeling of having something in my mouth. (it kinda felt like having food stuck in your teeth)The worst parts so far are the awkwardness of chewing and parts of the braces rubbing against your tongue and cheek. But they give you wax to fix that. Otherwise, I have been taking 2 extra strength tylenol or advil 600mg whenever i feel pain. The pain feeling you feel is mostly a tight feeling or a sensitivity biting down. But everyone keeps saying this will be gone by next week. I hope! ... Hope this helps! :)
I hope you're not going to act like a coward. I had them years ago and yes especially when you finish a visit from the doctor tightening them and I also remember the top braces rubbing against the inside of my top lip. It is worth it and you are very priveledged to get them. Some adults have very protruding teeth or crooked teeth because they wern't so luckey. Grin and bear it as they say.
Yes, absolutely. TAKE MEDICINE BEFOREHAND! And I also strongly recommend arnica(it can be taken with any OTC medicine). It is homeopathic and can be found at most health food stores. It is highly recommended for any and all dental procedures.Anyway, back to the pain. I am sorry to say that it will eventually feel like you've been hit in the mouth with a mallet. Be prepared to not eat solid foods for at least the first day, if not two or three. When they get tightened it will hurt as well, and depending on what is done you may, once again, be off of solids for a day or two(take medicine before then too).
I hope this helped and good luck!

Does getting your teeth pulled out hurt?

hey im 14 and i have to get 4 teeth pulled out for braces and im scared to death should i be? or is there nothing to worry about ? i think im gonna die!!
You'll be fine. When I was your age I had a molar pulled by my orthodontist. I had no idea he was going to do it, or was preparing to do it. I felt a little tug, and had no idea what happened. Didn't hurt a bit. You're going to be fine.
not when anaesthetics are used u normally dont even feel anything, but you cant eat for awhile.thats the part that sucks!!
they give you anestisia for that so your numb when it happens but a couple of hours later it hurts a little so chill it wont hurt too much
Yes, but Novocaine and vicodin make it all better.I had to use vicodins for about two weeks after I had my wisdom pulled. With four teeth being pulled, you're not going to be feeling all that great for at least that amount of time.You wont die, but you might wish you did.
You will be fine though so don't be afraid. Just be prepared.
I had teeth pulled for my braces too. Most likely they're going to numb you with medication. You'll just feel alot of tugging, that's all. When one of my teeth were pulled I even heard a "pop" sound. It's not big deal, but even now I'm still scared to go to the dentist. It's the sound effects you hear in a dentist that remind you of some dang horror movie... :) J/K. You'll do good.I guess no answer was good enough...just for that I hope they pull out 5 teeth... :)
No :] they'll give you an anasthaetic injection which hurts a little bit but then you don't feel anythingthe worst part is actually thinking about it :] it's really not that bad [and this is coming from someone who was terrified before having my teeth taken out]
If they do it right, no. The first needle or two hurts, but I've never felt it was that bad, and it's over pretty quick. It's more the idea, I think, that makes people tense up which causes them to exaggerate the pain. After the Novocaine wears off, the area will be sore to the touch and ache, but aspirin (I've found) works wonders for the pain. After a day or two, it should bother you very little. Don't worry, if the dentist knows his stuff, you should be fine.
If they are the mollers or wisdum teeth they do,
It's going to be okay. I had to get 6 teeth pulled. You will make it. They numb you before. It looks scary when they get all their tools out. but don't be scared...It will be okay. You will feel like you look like a chipmunk when u get out. but you dont. Just remember in the future it will matter
you shouldnt be scared. it wont hurt at all. theyre going to numb you down and then they will pull them outthe only things youre going to feel are the shot for the novocaine and the force your dentist applies to the tooth to extract it. wont hurt a bit bcuz of the novocaine, but when they pull it wont hurt you but it will irritate you
hey im 14 too and i have to get 3 teeth pulled today in about 14 hours lol yes im counting down. im scared to death but i heard it doesnt hurt there is just some pressure. my sister had a tooth pulled out and it her hurt alot but it was for a different reason. hope ive helped. i wish for the best for both of us!
Yes, you could die.

Does getting your braces off hurt?

I will get my braces off in August, after 2 years, finally! Anyone had braces before and does it hurts when you get the braces off? Thanks
You've been through the worst pain already. Good luck with your new smile.
No, not at all. If you ever had one of the front ones break free you probably noticed that it didn't hurt. The only think might be some very minor gum irritation near the ones on the molars that encircle the tooth. You're getting your braces off...rejoice!
It doesn't hurt at all, though your teeth feel oddly slimy for a couple days. It's a fabulous feeling on your teeth and the inside of your lips though. :)
For most people, it doesn't hurt. They just pop off. Mine did, just popped clean off. There is a little tugging to pull the off, but that is minor. The thing that hurt the most was that my mouth bled really bad afterwards, but most of my friends didn't have the problem. It was a little scary, but only hurt a little. You might want to take a little Advil or something before, just to be safe, in case they are sore afterwards, because mine were.
i have them now, but they have taken them off to reposition
only the molars
they hurt a little
but when they use their machine to scrape off glue
it tickleshehe
enjoy pretty teeth!
i am getting my braces off on july 3!! i am excited but kinda nervous, my friend just got herz off and she said the only thing that really hurts is removing the cement, put other than that it is pain freei could email u to tell ya how it feels if u want

Does getting train tracks on your teeth hurt?

i am getting braces please help and tell me if it hurts if u have had the experince cheers
no i had it done and taken of it doesn't hurt, much better than the dentist! your mouth may ake for few days after but not when its put on you'll be fine! xx
Also if you have a light coloured brackets don't eat curry it will die them!
It doesnt hurt that much its just a bit tight on your teeth wen u first get them done and everytime u get them tightned but it only lasts a day or 2 and its not that bad. Good luck with them its worth it mines was.
not initially. when you go back every month for the tightening then it can really hurt. stock up on pain killers. also stock up on dental wax to cover the spikey bits at the back. they can cut your gums to pieces. (babybell wax works if you have no dental wax)they are welll worth the big of pain though to get straight teeth
Yes, never ever put your head near train tracks. Seriously, yes its uncomfortable to begin with and you can get ulcers, but your dentist will give you a mouthwash and set of instructions of what you can and cannot do. You will limited with some foods as well at first because foods tend to stick to them. But all my kids have beautiful teeth now so it was well worth having it done.
They can be uncomfortable, especially when they are adjusted. If you think about it, what they are doing is adding pressure in order for the body to move them. When I had them that's the way it was, not too bad. But dental proceedures have changed in 30 years, so it may be a little easier.
braces are a little uncomfortable when they're first put on, and when they're tightened, but the rest of the time they're fine.
you might want to put wax at teh back where the wire comes through if it scratches, but really, you'll get so used to it.
my friends used to wind me up that they would really hurt but honestly, after a while you kinda forget they're there.
be careful with what you eat - hard sweets can break the bracket off your teeth. it doesnt hurt when that happens, but the telling off from the orthodontist isnt worth it! and if you get told no chewing gum...as long as you brush your teeth alright afterwards the orthodontist will never know!

Does getting rubberbands for your braces mean you are almost done?

does it mean you are almost done with getting braces or nothing at all?
Not necessarily, I had rubberbands for about a year before I had my braces taken off but it is very important that you use them as directed by your orthodontist because my braces weren't supposed to come off until 2 years but because I used them often as my orthodontist directed and mine came off after 1 year and 4 months. So rubberbands really do work and help your smile... follow your doctor's instructions.
nope now you got to wait a while for those work thier magic :)
nope, i had rubber bands for a year before i got mine off
I think so. I'm getting mine off at the end of the summer and I got rubber bands about a month ago.
it depends on your orthodontist! i got my rubberbands a month or 2 before i got mine off. they make you wear rubberbands to fix overbites...
not necessarily...but you are a step closer! Make sure you wear them because if u dont u will have to wear your braces longer...trust me i know!
Depends on what needs to be done. Although, the majority of people I know that had elastics where at the end of their treatment. They all had to wear them for 2 months. The appointment after, their braces were removed.With that said, every case and every ortho is different. For instance, I also know someone who had elastics on her first adjustment (she is now 21 weeks into her treatment, no time given when the bands can come off).

Does getting a lipring hurt?

It's a needle being stabbed through your lip. It's not going to feel like it tickles. That being said, there is NO piercing that is too painful to get. If you want it, get it. Just make sure you take care of it afterwards.
the lipring itself will not hurt, as for the lip into which it is inserted i suppose that would depend largely upon how hard you pull on it.
keeping the false freedom of speech in mind, I thought that lip rings (I put some kind of big horseshoe barbells in the piercing when they where healed) would make it seem like they made it hard to speak... and to get understood... they didn`t really give me any trouble speaking, but I liked the way they symbolized how I felt... so I went to studio in our city, to meet Pierre Black. We talked about what I wanted, and what could be done. At first, I wanted two side labret piercings, but I also wanted to use rings in it, Pierre explained to me that with the dental association shitting over oral piercing, they decided to pierce labrets lower than rings, because that way they would rub less against your gums. So anyway, I decided on two side lip rings (and a higher piercing) ...the only reason I wanted labrets is because I could take them out for work. We sat and talked for about half an hour, then he made the spots where the needles would go in and out, then looked at them, went out of the room to get some tea and get another look at the placement after resting his eyes. After he showed me his instruments and told me what he would do, then proceeded to pierce me. The piercing didn't hurt, and it went smoothly as I supposed it would've. He then told me about aftercare and we discussed about products and methods for healing. His method was good, clean, and he put me in total confidence.The healing was not a big problem, I did as he told me and besides the soreness, and a little infection in the left hole, it wasn't that bad. Within a month, it was all gone and it was pretty much healed, although I continued to rinse them with baxedin from time to time so the rings would stay clean.
Yes, any time you pierce anything, you are actually scarring yourself. Well, actually, everybody's pain tolerance is different; so it may not hurt you the same as someone else. But you will be tearing your facial tissue and then it will heal up around your lip ring; which would involve some level of discomfort.
Liprings not only look gross, they can do nasty damage to your teeth....

Does getting a filling hurt?

What do they do? Will it hurt afterwards?
As a dentist I can assure you that getting a filling will not hurt. Your dentist will first give you an injection of Lidocaine in the gums to block the nerve in your tooth from feeling any pain, the injection itself feels like a slight pinch and is over before you know it. Your dentist will make certain your gums are numb then he/she will drill out the decay in the cavity, fill the tooth and cure it to harden the filling with a special UV light. After a couple hours the injection will wear off and you might feel some minor discomfort, I always advise my patients to take Motrin (Ibuprofen) to help ease pain. Good luck and don't worry, you have nothing to worry about!
Yes and no. The initial Novocaine shot hurts but after that it's pretty painless. The weirdest thing is when they are drilling and you taste a smoky substance it feels weird though. Afterwards you will talk funny until the Novocaine wears off and you might have a drooling problem.
Well it all depends. If you decide for Novocaine, it will not hurt, other than a really little pinch at the beginning. All they do is put a piece (I'm not sure of what) into the cavity, and then warm it up a little bit (it isn't really hot, just warm) and your done. The worst thing is after wards your mouth will be numb (for about an hour). It will probably take about a half hour or 45 minutes in total. Don't be scared or you'll expect worse.
If you're properly frozen, the only thing you will feel is pressure. Dentists use very sophisticated tools to remove the decay so I wouldn't worry about feeling any pain during the actual filling, afterwards, you might feel a little sore, just take some advil. It won't hurt for long. Good luck and don't worry.
The dentist will numb your jaw with Novocaine so it won't hurt. It will hurt a little later but not that much. Tylenol will stop the pain.
nothing but pain!!!!!!!!!!...
well they will take uand give u a shot in your mouth %26 then they wil dril a whole in ur tooth then they will put the filling in then u cant eat or drink 4 i think its a hour b/c ur mouth is so numb that if u go to drink or eat then u mite bite ur jaw %26 that can cause serious damage. 00o0o0 yeah %26 u will talk funny 4 a while.but kno it dont hurt...well to me anyways ppl are diffrent so idk.

Does gargling peroxide and water really make your teeth whiter?

yes. swish a little around in your mouth before you brush your teeth. it helps a lot. you can also use peroxide tooth paste
Yes. Use about a capful and swish it around in your mouth while you shower, then brush as usual. You'll see a difference in as little as a week.
I've actually heard that this can be harmful when done long-term. What really works pretty quickly is baking soda, or even easier, a baking soda toothpaste.
Yes for now it does, however please consider the risk, through time peroxide eats away at the enamel on your teeth, this in the long term will cause you many problems and a huge headace!
Yes it can. But I suggest mixing a paste made of peroxide and baking soda. It will give you the best results. It won't taste the greatest, but you'll definately be able to tell the difference

Does everyone have to get their wisdom teeth taken out?

When I was little, they were only removed if there was no room (impacted) for them to come in properly or if you were having other problems with them.I am not sure why today's dentists (not all) want to remove wisdom teeth when you are not having a problem and they are not impacted.I am 42 and I still have all 4 wisdom teeth. The different dentists that I have had due to moving from different places all have wanted to pull all 4 wisdom teeth even though I am not having problems with them. I have been told it is due to preventative dental maintenance.Be safe and be well
No, only if they are impacted and there is not enough space for them to grow without pushing other teeth.
Nope i still have mine, they actually help'd straiten out the rest of my teeth
only you have tricky roots that can cause some problems later
no, although most people do need to have them taken out because if they didn't then it would cause major problems with the rest of their teeth. some people are really lucky and aren't even born with wisdom teeth.
Nope. We're all different, and if the teeth grow in straight and pretty then there's no reason to pull them. But if they are impacted, well, you'd be crazy to leave them.

Does EVERYONE have to get spacers before getting braces?

If no, then who does, and who doesnt?
no, not everyone. you need them if your back teeth are really close together. most people need them, i dont know too many people that didnt get spacers.
If the spaces between your teeth are already big enough,
then no, you don't need spacers. They just push your teeth
apart a little bit to get the bands around the molars.
im not sure about that . i got them before i got my braces . do you have to get them ? im not going to lie to you , they are a bit uncomfortable and they do kinda hurt but its nothing you cant deal with . sorry if i didnt help but good luck
No, not always. If your teeth are already spaced out enough for braces, then no. But most of the time yes, you will ned spacers, and they hurt like hell too.
yes to space out your teeth for braces but if you have really big spaces already u don't
No, not everyone requires spacers. I didn't, but I DID have to have four teeth pulled first.
almost all people get the spacers are wat they usely put a week before u put onthe braces. they r used to provide room for the bands, which hold the wires, which hold the braces, if u already have that room, than no u do not need them***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!
they do this the first time and every time u get them tightened:they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i just got em off 3 days ago-i luv my new smile!-Nati

Does everyone get their teeth taken out for braces?

im getting my teeth taken out in a week cuz im gettin braces.why do they take ur teeth out?my brother has teeth that stick out and he said hes not getting his teeth taken out!does every condition need their teeth taken out?after i take my braces out will my other teeth go into the place where i had my teeth taken out?im really curious and i really dont want to take them out..i guess i just want to if i want to have perfect teeth!
No not everyone who gets braces gets teeth removed. I got braces at 25 and no teeth removed. My son got braces at 12 and at 13 had to have 4 permanent teeth removed. My daughter got braces at 12 and had only one baby tooth removed. My youngest is 10, probably will get braces and probably won't need any teeth removed. It's important if they are baby or permanent. There's nothing wrong with removing baby teeth for braces. You need to carefully (or you and your parents) consider removing permanent teeth - it can change the shape of your face; what happens if you loose other teeth later on; etc. We asked why my son couldn't get a palette expander instead of removing the teeth, but the expander can only make the roof or top jaw bigger - you can never expand the bottom jaw and he had no room. Ask questions and go for a second opinion. Good luck!
Yeah I had to have quite a few out. It wasn't fun, but my teeth look fine now.
i did years ago.. 2 of them , 1 on each side.think about it.. braces push back teeth.. so need somewhere to push against..alas my dentist was a cow bag, i broke my brace and couldn't get a new one...
it varies for everyone with braces. some only have overbite and nice straight teeth. but in the end dont worry becuz it will all look nice =]
haha, the same thing happened to me! my brother was lucky and didnt have to get his teeth pulled out, while i did. I think its because me brothers teeth are spaced in his mouth better. I think they have to take the teeth out because you need to make room for the front teeth to be evenly spaced out.so haha i guess the dentists know what they're doing...i had two teeth pulled out, believe me, its not TOO bad.plus, the perfect smile is rewarding afterwards!
Sometimes an orthodontist will shave off parts of teeth to make them narrower or even remove a tooth to make room for your new smile. It may just be that your mouth is "too crowded." Talk to him about what he is going to do and why so you have a better understanding and feel more comfortable about it.
Not everyone needs to have teeth extracted, it depends on the severity of the tooth placement, your mouth size and sometimes even the orthodontist. Everyone's case is different. Maybe your ortho foresees that having some teeth taken out will give further room for others when they become better aligned. Also, the human mouth does not actually use all of its teeth, which is why the wisdom teeth are extracted in some people. If you ever feel uneasy about a medical procedure, though, ask for a second opinion and talk to your parents (if you are underage). Good luck!!
I got four removed for my braces. It's because their your baby teeth and there would be no reason to go through the pain and time to straighten them out when their just going to fall out anyways. Everyones teeth grow out at different times, but the chances are that they'll leave the braces on until those teeth grow fully, then they will get braces too...and when everything is straight, you get your braces removed! :]
Oh deary, it's not because your teeth are CROOKED that they are taking them out. It's because they are ROTTEN! It's the stench of decaying teeth that's making an extraction necessary.
I recommend forgoing braces all together, since you're not going to brush your teeth anyway.
Bright side? Dentures don't rot
When I was younger a good friend of mine had braces. She also went through the ordeal of tooth extraction. This is nothing to worry about. Your brother probably didn't have any removed because the root system was still able to be adjusted or his teeth where remotely in the correct position.Don't worry you will have teeth in the end. Hers where actually attached to a retainer while her teeth where still shifting. Afterwards she received implants.Discuss this with your orthodontist ask the Dr. all the questions that concern you. They are there to make your smile beautiful...and in the end its worth being a brace face because for the rest of your life your smile will be amazing.
I didnt get my teeth taken out when I got braces. My dentist told me that i would have to take out 4 of my teeth but I didnt want to so I went to another dentist to get another opinion. I had to wear separaters and this thing on the roof of my mouth for about 6months and that made enough space. So I wore that instead of taking out my teeth.My friends had their teeth taken out and it looks perfectly fine. After a couple of months, your teeth go into those spaces and it looks nice. I think you should ask your dentist if there is any way around taking teeth out, but if there isnt, go for it because it'll all be worth it in the end.
Not everyone. If space is needed to relief crowding of teeth, then yes.

Does every wisdom tooth is impacted ..?? if yes ,,,, impacted tooth is more harder to remove or easier ..?

No, not all wisdom teeth are impacted but when they are impacted they are more difficult to remove. Usually an oral surgeon will remove the wisdom teeth.
No not all wisdom teeth get impacted...but impacted ones are more difficult to remove. The oral surgeon broke two carbide drill bits trying to remove my husbands impacted wisdom teeth!! Good luck!!
Not all wisdom teeth become impacted. Impacted teeth are harder to remove and usually involves general anastesia (you're asleep) whereas with a regular wisdom tooth they can do it with novacane and you're awake the whole time.
No, every tooth is not impacted, but they are usually more difficult to remove.

Does eating or crunching ice really hurt your teeth?

My inlaws keep letting my baby chew ice and i don't want to have to deal with extensive dental bills in the future. Does ice really ruin your teeth?
well, for babies it is a good way to deal with the pain and discomfort associated with teething, and those baby teeth are going to come out anyway. However, it is not a good habit to give to kids, they invariably continue the habit when they have their permanent teeth and chewing ice does indeed damage the enamel. Suggest you give them an alternate means of dealing with the teething and insist that they stop giving the child ice. It is your child, not theirs.
Yes, it wears the enamel down faster. I would tell them to stop!
Well, if you don't like it, you're the mother and have the right to tell them to just stop because you don't like it. It's not good to chew ice continuously, it can eventually hurt your teeth.
Yfes it does. And that comes straight from my dentist. Problem is, I really like doing it.
Yes, and also it could lower the iron in your body which happened to my dad and he became anemic.
Yes, chewing ice can crack teeth, hurt the teeth and gingiva. Baby teeth grow in and are replaced later on by adult dentition so permanant damage won't be done. You shoudl suggest alternate means of dealing with teething. One way might be to get a water-filled teething ring that can be frozen for the baby to suck on. Or giving the baby soft-rubberized teething devices that won't hurt the teeth. Another possibility is that the baby may be anemic so it is chewing ice because the metallic taste mirrors the taste of protien.
yes it does. i'm assuming your child is teething, if so, a better alternative is to give them celery stalks to chew on. it helps with the physical discomfort. Celery also helps to relax your baby.

Does crest white-strips have a after-taste?

yes, it's a weird tart taste
you should try to avoid tasting it but yes
yeah they have a little bit of an after taste but after so long you dont really notice it anymore.
They taste kind of funny while they're in but once they are out and you've rinsed or brushed there's no funny taste. They might make your teeth a little sensitive after the first couple of days though.

Does chewing or sucking lemon wedge is bad for your teeth because of strong acid that can weaken enamel.?

Yes. try to stop that habit if you can. also, try to drink water while you do it and don't brush your teeth right after, this is actually worse for you because of the mechanical wear that it can do to the weakened enamel. But definitley stop this habit or you will have to get expensive work done over and over on your mouth.
yes its so true...besides weakening it it also erodes it away because it is too acidic
yes .. you've answered your own question.
yeppers...exactly what you said.
Yup. It will eat away the enamel and will cost a lot for the dentist to grind down the tooth or teeth to replace with individual crowns ..
well yes you are right lemon contains a strong acid called citric acid which renders enamel weak and liable to wear out and leads to sensitive teeth and which are more prone to cavities ,avoid this habit as it will definatly ruin your teeth.

Does chewing big read gum all the time all day give you bad breath?

because its cinnamon its burning your mouth instead of making it fresh
well, that's what i heard
Well, I'm not sure about the cinnamon part, but unless they've come out with a sugarless kind Big Red has sugar in it. Sugar promotes plaque and acids. It will break the teeth down and cause problems with decay if its used all day long.
isnt it big red?
yes,yes,and yes i whould stay away from red for real it stinks because of the cinnamin
idk maybe you should try it.
I don't think so, but if you're worried about it you could try a different flavor. Whatever you chew make sure it is sugarless or you'll get a mouthful of cavities!
Possibly, b/c the sugar ferments over time causing bad breath and cavities.

Does butter help tongue ulcers?

i have an ulcer on my tongue. it isn't major or anything, it just hurts. i read that butter can help ease the pain.
no thats sych a lie
Just be extra-vigilant about oral hygeine for a few days (brush after meals, clean your tongue). That will help a lot. Also, taking B-complex helps these things heal faster, as does L-Lysine (another vitamin supplement).
I have not come across the butter theory, but one that I know works is salt. Wet your finger, dip it in salt, then place it on the ulcer.It will burn like crazy for a few seconds, but my tomorrow, your ulcer will start to heal.
Use Anbesol to numb it until it heals. In the meantime, rinse your mouth out with water-diluted peroxide, and brush your teeth with bacon soda toothpaste.

Does brushing with a dry toothbrush cause receding gums?

Lately I have been going over my teeth with a dry toothbrush first (it removes plaque better), then brushing again with toothpaste. But it seems that my gums have been receding! Can this be caused by the dry toothbrush (maybe water usually softens the brush)?
Hey there! One of my friends works in a dental office and I can pretty much assure you that this is the cause! Many people make the mistake of brushing their teeth and gums too roughly thinking it will remove plaque and prevent cavities. Truth is ... if you brush too long and/or hard you can actually worsen the problem by wearing down the enamel on your teeth and/or receding the gums! Dentists everywhere now only recommend people brush with a SOFT toothbrush - never a medium or hard one. They can actually do damage. You must first floss and then brush for at least 2 minutes to protect you teeth. It is ESSENTIAL that you brush softly in a circular motion over all your teeth - front and back. When a dentists office did a demonstration for the kids at my school they spent 15 seconds per section (front and back) brushing in a circular motion. I also use the Listerine mouth wash before I floss and brush and this works wonders on plaque! Research has also shown it to remove way more tartar and plaque than flossing and brushing alone. I can assure you that if you visit the dentist at least twice a year, floss well (this is MOST important in taking care of your gums) and then brush - correctly - you will not need to worry about plaque problems for the most part and I would never "pre-brush" with a dry toothbrush ... it just isn't necessary and will do more harm than good in the long run. Of course some if it has to do with heredity also. but this advice should at least help! Best of luck to you! ;)
Absolutely! You should always soften your toothbrush with water before brushing. I have a problem with receding gums, even though I use a soft toothbrush. My dentist recommended that I hold my toothbrush with just my forefinger and thumb to keep from pushing too hard. It is better to do many light repetitions with a toothbrush that to brush hard for a shorter period of time. If youa re looking for a great way to eliminate plaque, find a toothpaste with tea tree oil in it at your local health food store. It works like a charm!
Yes, it causes receding gums
Receding gums is caused by bacteria in the mouth. to be able to combat receding gums you can find more useful information in this helpful site http://www.themouthdoctor.com

Does braces hurts?and do they cause loosing weight,how long i will take to get used 2 them?

Yes, braces hurt. They're pieces of metal pulling your teeth. But after a while, you'll get used to it, until it's time for your next adjustment, then it'll hurt for a little longer. As far as weight loss, the only reason I can think of, is that you won't WANT to eat when they're hurting, and therefore, lose weight.
of course doing teeth work makes you gain weight. thats like saying does getting a hair cut make you get cancer
I lost 9 pounds the first month I had mine on, but then I got used to them and gained it back. It took me about a month to get used to them (not saying they hurt the whole time). Sometimes they hurt when I get them adjusted, but usually only a little for a day or day and a half. Ibuprofen helps.
Its different for different people. i got my top braces on and it didn't bother me at all. but then when i got my bottoms on i cried (but my teeth were really messed up) but i did get use to them. i think i might be sad to see them go.and i lost a lot of weight when i got my bottoms on, and i couldnt eat candy so.
i didnt lose any weight, but my braces did hurt =/ my teeth were really bad tho.i doubt ur goin to enjoy them, but u will get used to them except everytime they r tightened u have to get used to them again.

Does braces hurt the first day u get them on?

I need to know!!!!!!!!!!...
Umm..no not really...maybe a little.when i had braces i took advil.not the gel caps but the other caplets.also my orthodontist told me that if they hurt take cold water and swish it around your mouth.because soemthin 2 do w/the heat? idk thats what he said.hope this helps you!!
%26lt;3 Brittany!
Usually they do. They also ache when you get them adjusted each time too.
Worst pain of my life.. Seriously, it wont hurt when its put on, but a few hours later, and the next week, itll kill you
I had braces for 2 years. The first day that I got them on it didnt hurt at all, then during the day it just hurt a little but it didnt hurt much.
fake anwser- of course not!..it feels greatreal anwser-yessss unfortunately ALOT..like for the first couple of hours it wont hurt then for the next 3-7 days its will HURT REALLY bad..i konw it sucks buts thtas the truth.u prob wont be able to eat any solid foods the first couple of days..so u might wanna buy some soup to eat!...and some advil before the appointment so when the pain starts it wont be as bad...hope ur teeth wont feel too bad!jess鈾?
yes, it doesnt feel like your going to die but it does hurt and not just for the first day its like 2-4 days and then when you tighten them they hurt but if you take asprin then you'll get through it and in the end its all worth it. pain is beauty! lol
i dunno, id like 2 no 2
My daughter had her braces in 6 months back she was petrified at first but there was no need to be she was fine with it all. no pain at all.
o yea they does!!!!!!!!
dont mean to freak you out but the first days the worst.. take lots of advil it'll really help.
Not when you first get them, so go chilll, get a burger - you wont be able to eat one for awhile.But a couple hours after you get them, they start hurting. your cheeks will get a little raw as well.
Ugh, are you kidding? Most definitely. they will hurt when first put on, and again when they tighten them in a few months. don't worry about it.
IT'll taste really nasty while they put them on and they won't hurt until the next day , more than likely. Just keep some Tylenol or Ibuprofen handy. They may ache the next day or even for a couple of days. I had them for like 3 or 4 years (My teeth were HORRIBLE and they had to do everything to my teeth, even surgery that left me laying in bed doped up for 5 days, which was not to do directly with the braces, so don't worry about that part, lol). When you go to get them tightened up or adjusted, they'll probably be sore for a day or two then, too.
If they put the metal rings around your back teeth like they did with mine, they may bleed a little, but none of it is gonna be bad. Just go in telling yourself how quick and easy it's gonna be and it'll go alot faster than to go in dreading the whole thing!
And one more thing, make sure they give you the wax to put on the spots that make your cheeks or lips raw. It helps alot if your mouth gets tender. DON"T TAKE ASPIRIN! It's a blood thinner and with you being a girl, it will make your flow alot heavier when you get your period.
they won't hurt for the first few hours but the next few days are terrible, if you cant deal with the pain heres something that really helped me out, get a mouth full of cold water and just hold it in your mouth for several minuets. Once they settle in they feel fine but then of coarse theyll hurt again when you get them tightened.
No. However it will hurt like hell the next day.Plus cleaning them is a pain in the ***.
i just got my braces on yesterday afternoon and for the first 4 hours i didnt feel it at all but later that night it hurt. just take something for it and it'll be fine. the next day it was only a slight ache for me but eating can be challenging stick with the soft foods. good luck!
yea not when you first get them on only later in the day! i just got my braces off 3 monthes ago hope this helps!

Does bleaching fix tooth trauma?

My friend fell on her face when she was young and it created yellow stains in her teeth. I heard bleaching can get rid of this, is that true?
Internal bleaching could be done, that's done inside the tooth structure and in one dental visit, at the same time she would need to bleach the rest of her teeth (through bleach trays, laser or any other method offered by a dental professional) so that they will all have the same color. If this doesn't give the result expected by the patient then there are restorations as the ones mentioned above that could be used. Hope this helps!
Typically bleaching only whitens extrinsic stains (for example from coffee or colas) not intrinsic stain. However, bleaching her teeth may help make the stains less noticable. Your friend should talk to her dentist about whitening options and other options such as veneers or crowns (which would cover the natural tooth surface and eliminate the problem altogether).
no i am sorry, it doesnt..if she wants to get rid of these stains she could get tooth colored fillings(composite)to cover up the stains..has worked for patients ive worked on before:)


does baking soda really work to whiten your teeth
Baking Soda?
Brushing with baking soda makes alkaline and keeps the mouth fresh and clean. It can be mixed with sea salt.Yet, I think it is best to also keep the teeth white from the inside that is, with a proper alkaline-forming diet. There are many books on the market covering this subject.One of my "tooth white" favorites is sunflower paste. It can be self-made from soaked sunflowers, balsamic vinegar, almond butter, rock salt and spices like basil, oregano, and/or turmeric.Also rinsing the mouth with sunflower oil helps to keep it clean. The oil is kept in the mouth as long as possible. preferably 10-15 minutes. Then it is rinsed out carefully, for a lot of bad bacteria may be in the oil.The type of fluoride added to city drinking water and tooth paste (sodium fluoride), makes the teeth hard but brittle and may later lead to stained spots. Calcium Fluoride, a Schuessler Tissue Salt, is a mineral and helps to keep the teeth white, best taken along with Calcium Phosphoricum, Silcea and Natrum Muriaticum, all Schuessler Tissue Salts.Wishing you the whitest teeth ever.
Cordially, India.Magica
I've heard that before.
Yes, it's work, give is a try.
baking soda can do a lot of stuff.
yeppers! tastes kinda icky tho!
i'm pretty sure it helps a little but if you really want to whiten your teeth and get good results, you're going to have to pay. Crest Whitestrips are affordable and they DO WORK.baking soda is more mainly for odor control.dentists will also suggest Gly-oxide. it can be found at drug stores. it works well and is not harsh (it's also cheaper).A few drops of hydrogen peroxide mixed with a heaped teaspoon full of baking soda will make a paste adequate to control the further yellowing of teeth and bring back their youthful and lustrous white in just a few months time. Brush thoroughly with this paste after mixing on a tissue or in a Dixie cup. Rinse thoroughly after with water or a good mouthwash such as Listerine.
yes but u'll notice the difference in like a month, not rigt away
Yes it does and it's good for fresh spills as well. Lets say you spill some red wine on a white rug like someone I know did
(it wasn't definitely not, no way....OK, i did it), just cover the spill generously with baking soda let it dry and then vacuum it right up
well my grandma used it on me and i couldnt take it cause of the taste so it was hard but i dont think it works unless you like tha taste and do it often an mix a little water in with it i think
Yes. Within a few weeks of brushing, you should see significant results.
Dab a wet brush in a bit of baking soda and brush with that.
There is a myth that baking soda is too abrasive and will destroy your enamel. Here are the facts: The key ingredient in toothpaste is calcium. The calcium is there because it's small hard crystals that work deep in the grooves of your teeth to get all the crap out -- much smaller that bristles, so all those toothbrushes that say they work deeper in your teeth is a ploy. Then there's the stuff that makes it pasty, taste good, nice colour, and then there's formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is nothing to be concerned about. It's the formaldehyde that preserves childrens' teeth. That's why you don't swallow toothpaste.
In addition, tooth enamel is stronger than metal. From this respect, it is unreasonable to suggest that abrasive damage from baking soda.As for the chemistry, baking soda is perfectly fine. Enamel decay is caused by acidity (think of those sour key candies -- they are sour because of the sugar, and it is the sugar that causes cavities).
Bleach is an acid (Cl2(aq) + H2O(l) ---%26gt; 2H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) + ClO-(aq)), and that is why is slowly decays your enamel.
Baking soda (Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O ---%26gt; 2NaHCO3 ) is slightly basic (the bicarbonate disosciates into HCO3- ---%26gt; CO2 + OH- ), just like your mouth. It is not acidic and will not damage your enamel.Another thing to consider is hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash. Here's what you must consider: don't use them! The bacteria in your mouth are what protect your teeth from decay, and mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide kill them all. Hydrogen peroxide is also an acid, and leads to tooth decay. Baking soda will do a little of that, which is why you must rinse your mouth well after using it.Sodium bicarbonate is actually healthy. It's an antacid (Tums is pretty much baking soda tablets). It's ok to brush your teeth with it and it will certainly work. But be sure to rinse your mouth out properly afterwards. To be sure, brush your teeth a second time once you've used the baking soda.

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